
2021 Championship
Standings as at Round 6
Full standings can be found here
If you believe there is an error with the standings please contact us at promotions@wkrc.com.au
If you were not a member of the club at round one but become a member before round two we will include your round one results!
 Class  Sponsor  Leader 
Novice Jimani Trophies Emmet Martin
Rookie   Tommy Rizk
Junior Light Accounting by Maynes RuttyJoshua Benaud
Junior Heavy   Chase Gausel
Junior Performance   Liam Gerges
4SS Light   N/A
4SS Heavy   N/A
Senior Light   N/A
Senior Heavy Scuderia PCR Australia N/A
Tag Restricted Light   Oscar Taylor
Tag Restricted Heavy   Joel Sokkar
Senior Performance LightScuderia PCR Australia Nicholas Ricci
Senior Performance Heavy 
Tag 125 Light Scuderia PCR Australia Michael Schiller
Tag 125 Heavy   Nathan Bolstad
Click here to see the 2021 championship rules and points matrix.
Next Race Meeting: 31 July 2022 Next General Meeting: Saturday November 12