
Club History

In the early eighties the foundation members of WKRC developed an existing amusement facility into a kart race track by straightening out the many loops to form a 450m circuit.

In the mid nineties an enthusiastic new membership extended the circuit to 630m with the northern loop and later widened and resurfaced the entire circuit to 8m. The improved facilities heralded a prosperous era for WKRC, which has maintained a stable membership during times of shrinking memberships across Australia.

The size of the circuit has not enabled state and national titles to be held, however Wollongong has a proud history, thanks to the hard work of many members, of organising very successful and large meeting for the Southern Cross Series, the Premier State Cup and the Wollongong Lighthouse GP. Facility improvements have continued with improved gravel traps, fencing, tire barriers, scrutineering shed and doubling of the pit paddock area. Wollongong was the first circuit in NSW to progress to electronic timing and lap scoring at every race meeting, and since the late nineties has provided lap time printouts at the track and on the web site for every driver in every race.

In 2012 the Club voted on moving its operation to the Picton Karting Track at Maldon, just outside of Picton commencing in March 2013. A picturesque location set amongst a semi-rural backdrop. The Picton circuit with its long straights and tight corners is a very technical track with plenty of passing opportunities. 640 metres in length, the circuit is ideal for close fast racing.

Life Members

Eric Caines, Bede Parkinson, Mick Arts, Kim White, Simon Whiting, Tony Arts, Pando Bozinovski, Chris Harrigan, Trevor Jolliffe, John Watt, Kellie Jolliffe, Wayne Jolliffe, Richard Erdmann, Warren Southwell, Graeme Chapman, Ian Cowan, Tony Taylor, Darcy Cox, Steve Southwell & Jeff tresidder.

Next Race Meeting: 31 July 2022 Next General Meeting: Saturday November 12